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Customer Rights & Responsibilities

As a customer of Proveda you have a range of rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to:

  • Be treated with dignity and respect
  • Choose who delivers your services and receive services delivered by workers of providers who have the appropriate skills and experience
  • Receive culturally appropriate, trauma aware and healing informed support that is responsive to you and your carer’s needs, and preferences
  • Equitable access to end of life care when required.
  • Be informed about your care and services in a way that you understand .
  • Have control over and make choices about your care, and personal and social life, including where the choices involve personal risk.
  • Personal Privacy and confidentiality that includes personal space that is maintained throughout all stages of collecting, storing accessing and destruction/ de-identification of information. No information about you will be provided to anyone outside of Proveda without consent, except as required by law.
  • Access all information about you that is held by Proveda, and to request amendment to your records should you feel that they contain inaccurate information.
  • Complain or express your concerns about any aspect of service delivery, without fear of losing the service or suffering any recriminations. You have the right to have complaints dealt with fairly and promptly, within 2 business of drawing them to the organisation’s attention.
  • Have a person of my choice, including an advocate, support me or speak on my behalf;
  • Access the organisation’s annual and most recent financial statements on request, and/or the right to access financial details of the specific support that you receive.
  • Access the organisation’s Policies and Procedures on request.
  • Exercise your rights without it adversely affecting the way you are treated

When you pay for a product or service yourself, as an NDIS participant, or through your state or territory’s disability support system – you have consumer rights. Australia’s consumer protection agencies offer resources designed to help you understand and use your rights:

When you receive support from Proveda, you have responsibilities including:

  • Letting us know if you are not going to be at home when a service provider is due to visit.
  • Acting in a way that respects the rights of others.
  • Acting in a way that respects the diversity of culture, religion, gender, age and sexuality of the staff at Proveda or other support workers.
  • Taking responsibility for decisions you make.
  • Providing us with the information we need to provide you with the support you need.
  • Providing a safe home environment to ensure staff and care/support workers can work in a safe place.

For specific rights and responsibilities relating to your service or program, please refer to your Service Agreement or contact us.

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