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Our Story

Since 1994, we’ve been providing independent, trusted, specialist industry expertise, because we care. We have assisted more than 15,000 people (2,500 in the last year alone!), through some of life’s most difficult and transitional times. With guidance from our voluntary Board of Directors, Clinical Governance Committee and Consumer Advisory Group, Proveda’s leadership and future direction is in good hands.

Formerly Community Care Northern Beaches (CCNB), our story began as a locally focused, grassroots community organisation based out of Mona Vale in Sydney. From this original location, we helped older people to remain independent at home, and provided assistance for those living with dementia.

Organisational charity status was awarded to us in 2000, and thereafter, as our capacity grew, so too did the opportunity to do more. We moved further up the hill from Mona Vale to Frenchs Forest and continued to look for more ways that we could assist our community, adding expertise in disability services, palliative care, respite for carers and a variety of important, additional mental health services including GP Social Work and suicide prevention, along with our own valuable community programs like the Belong Club. Today we are excited to have over 80 staff and 150 volunteers!

We have considerable experience supporting disability, mental health and wellbeing, for those most vulnerable in our community and for their carers too. This, along with our extensive knowledge in ageing, (and aged care), dementia (and memory loss), as well as more recently, in end of life and suicide (bereavement and prevention), means we are experts in navigating all aspects of health and wellbeing.

The newer strings to our bow, with the recent merger and the additional acquisition of nonprofit organisation Wings of Hope and The Groundswell Project Australia, provide highly sensitive and caring expertise nationally, for Australians coming back from suicide bereavement, as well as planning for end of life.

Enjoy our more detailed journey below. We are proud to share our evolution into a leading provider of community care.

Proveda Timeline


Opened our doors as CCNB and a new logo. Supporting aged care customers and dementia services.


Dementia support increased.


Charity status achieved.


Veterans Care.


155 Aged Care customers.


Grew to 46 staff. A new logo.


End of Life Support and Carers Respite.


Disability Care.


70 Service Providers. A new logo.


Dementia Advisory Service. GP Social Work.


Appointed NDIS Registered Disability Provider.


Wings of Hope merger adding suicide bereavement support. Community Capital Foundation launched.


Acquired National End of Life presence. With merger of The Groundswell Project Australia supporting End of Life and Dying to Know Day campaign. Belong Club launched.


The Way Back (NSW) program northern area.


2591 customers, 150 volunteers, 250 service providers, Suicide Accreditation. Dying to Know Day Program Australia.


Name change to Proveda. 30 years of community care.

Talk to Us Today!

If you’re interested in finding out more about the extensive range of services that Proveda provides, please leave your details and we’ll get back to you shortly.