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Spotlight on Belong Club Member – Dot
Welcome to our Spotlight on Belong Club Members. This is a great opportunity to shine a light on our wonderful Belong Club members who make up this beautiful community.
Let’s get to know Dot Waterhouse who is a regular wiz at our weekly quiz and is one of our Community Champions who runs our monthly computer classes.
How long have you been a Belong Club member?
Since September 2021
Where do you live?
Wheeler Heights
How did you find out about Belong Club?
I was searching online for local online activities which were COVID safe and came across the Belong Club.
What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are researching my family trees, rock painting, and sharing my computer skills.
What do you love about Belong Club?
I love the fun activities and the great people to share them with.
What is your favourite Belong Club activity?
My favourite Belong Club activity is the weekly quiz.
Finish this sentence: Belong Club is…
A laughter-filled time with friends.
The Belong Club is a Proveda initiative designed to build community connections. We use local presenters to run online and in-person events that everyone is welcome to join. Through activities, conversations, and knowledge sharing, Belong Club brings together anyone looking to try something new, re-explore old passions, socialise, and build more community connections.
Register for Belong Club membership:
If you are not yet a member of the Belong Club, register below. You’ll receive a welcome email with everything you need to know about being a Belong Club member, including how to access and register for our events, and other ways you can be part of our community. Register for the Belong Club